About Us
Indilisi was founded by sustainable fashion pioneer Safia Minney, together with sustainable fashion advocates, Brett & Scott Staniland, Shayla Sakora, Fair Trade partners in Bangladesh, India and Kenya and other friends.
Indilisi is bringing in, surplus fabrics from India by seafreight. These are certified Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and Fairtrade. Some GOTS certified fabrics Include Lycra for added stretch. The aim of the project is to support Organic smalholder farmers and promote regenerative practices throughout the textile & fashion supply chain - supplying makers, designers and brands with high quality sustainable fabrics.
These fabrics are produced using regerenative and socailly responsible practices, 70% of the energy used throughout the supply chain is renewable energy and technology to reduced water use is in place. The majority of the fabrics are from Chetna Organic, a pioneer in organic cotton farming, regenerative practices and Fairtrade, supporting over 15,000 cotton-farming families.
Sustainable, handcrafted fashion and jewellery will be available on the website for preorder from the end of March. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter & join our community :)